Your No-Regrets Guide to Order a Mattress Online in Dubai
Dubai is a superb city to live in. Whatever you need for your home is available online at the touch of a phone screen. But since prices on most commodities are quite high in the city, you are forced to look for the right bargains when it comes to buying expensive items like TV sets and mattresses. Instead of buying a mattress from a showroom in Dubai, you can save a lot of money by ordering the mattress online.
If you are looking to buy a mattress online in Dubai, we have some useful tips for you to try, such as –
* Ditch the clutter – start with the basics
There is often a lot of confusing information about buying mattresses. Some materials are said to be better than others. Some brands profess to be superior to others. A friend or colleague might tell you to get a mattress from a certain store for a discount, while another might say that the same store has inferior brands to sell. So, whom do you believe? The short answer: No one. Do your own research about the kind of mattress you need (basic spring, latex, orthopedic, memory foam, etc.), the correct dimensions, the brands selling the best mattresses in Dubai, the brands allowing online mattress orders, etc. If you have a back or spinal pain issue, it is better to take inputs from your doctor about the best kind of mattress for your home.
* Look for mattresses that offer a free trial
A mattress is not a product that you buy often. In fact, it is an item that you will use for years before considering a replacement. This just means that you must be as careful as possible when it comes to ordering the mattress online. If you buy the wrong kind, you may be stuck with it forever! So opt to try the mattress before you buy it. Now before you scoff at the idea, do remember that some reputed mattress brands in the city do offer a free trial for a few nights before you make the actual purchase. If you don’t like the mattress after using it for 10 nights, simply return it and continue looking for a better one.
* Look for longevity
As we mentioned above, a mattress is often a one-time purchase. You are not likely to buy a new mattress at the same speed with which you replace your bed linen. So this means that you must pick a mattress that lasts you for years, without losing shape or form. Ordinary foam and spring mattresses become lumpy or saggy with use, so avoid those. Your best bet is to invest in memory foam or latex mattresses – not only do they retain their shape after years of use, they also offer good back and hip support as you sleep. They ensure your comfort, which means that a night of good sleep is automatically guaranteed.
* Look for the right price
Most of us are deluded into thinking that if something costs more, then it must be a better product. Most brands rely on this buyer psychology when pricing their products – but you end up investing much more than the product actually deserves! Instead, order mattresses online from leading brands that offer competitive pricing for the best products.
* Ask for natural materials wherever possible
You might already be suffering from respiratory or skin allergies, and you don’t want your new mattress to aggravate the problem. Instead of a synthetic latex mattress, opt for a 100% latex one. Also look for organically processed inner materials wherever possible, to minimize the possibility of allergy flareups.
* Do not buy a used mattress
You might be tempted to buy a second hand or used mattress. This might help you save a lot of money, but in the long run, it is a bad idea. First off, it is unhygienic to use a mattress that another person(s) has already slept on for months or years. Second, the mattress may not be in the best condition when it reaches you. A used mattress will have a looser internal structure than a new one, so you end up risking painful joints when you wake up.